Encuentras demasiado basico el manual de tu cuerpo de bomberos???
los cursos de la AeneBe no te llenan???
Quires ser un bombero estructural de verdad??? entonces estos libros son para ti!
"Fundamentos de la Lucha Contraincendios" NUEVO!
Este libro es la "biblia" de un bombero estructural que quiera reunir los requerimientos BASICOS para ser bombero.
Este manual es considerado el estandar en USA para medir el conocimiento y la destreza de todo bombero. 758 paginas!
Si le pegas al ingles, tengo ademas si te interesa:
"Firefighter's Handbook: Essentials of Firefighting and Emergency Response"
Firefighter’s Handbook: Essentials of Firefighting and Emergency Response 2E, highlights all the critical details that apply to the job of today’s firefighter, from the basic requirements of Firefighter I and II, to hazardous materials awareness and operations, to incidents involving terrorism.
The comprehensive format provides a welcome alternative to using numerous manuals to train students for the Firefighter I and II and Hazardous Operations levels. Clear and consistent content that is compliant with the 2002 edition of the NFPA 1001 Standard makes this a must-have training aid and resource for every firefighter.
* A detailed correlation guide at the beginning of the book breaks down the 2002 edition of the NFPA 1001 Standard into specific Job Performance Requirements, along with the corresponding page number on which each item is covered in the book.
* Dedicated, up-to-the-minute coverage is given to advances in firefighter safety and operations, focusing readers on the key principles that are crucial to staying alive and well in the fire service.
* Up-to-date HazMat information features the latest in chemicals and drug labs, as well as current safety concerns when responding to HazMat incidents.
* Updated terrorism coverage fosters an understanding of modern-day risks faced by emergency responders and the importance of heightened awareness for safety from occurrences of terrorism.
* New technology concerning communication systems and the latest in thermal imaging keeps pace with important developments affecting the fire service today.
History, Tradition & Development of the American Fire Service.
Organization, Command, and Control.
Communications & Alarms.
Fire Behavior.
Firefighter Safety.
Personal Protective Clothing.
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus.
Portable Fire Extinguishers.
Water Supply.
Fire Hose and Appliances.
Nozzles, Fire Streams and Foam.
Protective Systems.
Building Construction.
Ropes and Knots.
Rescue Procedures.
Forcible Entry.
Fire Suppression.
Salvage, Overhaul and Fire Cause Determination.
Prevention, Public Education and Pre-Incident Planning.
Emergency Medical Services.
Firefighter Survival.
Hazardous Materials: Laws, Regulations, and Standards.
Hazardous Materials: Recognition and Identification.
Hazardous Material: Information Resources.
Protection for Hazardous Materials.
Hazardous Materials: Protective Actions.
Product Control and Air Monitoring.
Terrorism Awareness
los cursos de la AeneBe no te llenan???
Quires ser un bombero estructural de verdad??? entonces estos libros son para ti!
"Fundamentos de la Lucha Contraincendios" NUEVO!
Este libro es la "biblia" de un bombero estructural que quiera reunir los requerimientos BASICOS para ser bombero.
Este manual es considerado el estandar en USA para medir el conocimiento y la destreza de todo bombero. 758 paginas!

Si le pegas al ingles, tengo ademas si te interesa:
"Firefighter's Handbook: Essentials of Firefighting and Emergency Response"
Firefighter’s Handbook: Essentials of Firefighting and Emergency Response 2E, highlights all the critical details that apply to the job of today’s firefighter, from the basic requirements of Firefighter I and II, to hazardous materials awareness and operations, to incidents involving terrorism.
The comprehensive format provides a welcome alternative to using numerous manuals to train students for the Firefighter I and II and Hazardous Operations levels. Clear and consistent content that is compliant with the 2002 edition of the NFPA 1001 Standard makes this a must-have training aid and resource for every firefighter.
* A detailed correlation guide at the beginning of the book breaks down the 2002 edition of the NFPA 1001 Standard into specific Job Performance Requirements, along with the corresponding page number on which each item is covered in the book.
* Dedicated, up-to-the-minute coverage is given to advances in firefighter safety and operations, focusing readers on the key principles that are crucial to staying alive and well in the fire service.
* Up-to-date HazMat information features the latest in chemicals and drug labs, as well as current safety concerns when responding to HazMat incidents.
* Updated terrorism coverage fosters an understanding of modern-day risks faced by emergency responders and the importance of heightened awareness for safety from occurrences of terrorism.
* New technology concerning communication systems and the latest in thermal imaging keeps pace with important developments affecting the fire service today.
History, Tradition & Development of the American Fire Service.
Organization, Command, and Control.
Communications & Alarms.
Fire Behavior.
Firefighter Safety.
Personal Protective Clothing.
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus.
Portable Fire Extinguishers.
Water Supply.
Fire Hose and Appliances.
Nozzles, Fire Streams and Foam.
Protective Systems.
Building Construction.
Ropes and Knots.
Rescue Procedures.
Forcible Entry.
Fire Suppression.
Salvage, Overhaul and Fire Cause Determination.
Prevention, Public Education and Pre-Incident Planning.
Emergency Medical Services.
Firefighter Survival.
Hazardous Materials: Laws, Regulations, and Standards.
Hazardous Materials: Recognition and Identification.
Hazardous Material: Information Resources.
Protection for Hazardous Materials.
Hazardous Materials: Protective Actions.
Product Control and Air Monitoring.
Terrorism Awareness